Assigning Contact Owners When Multiple Users are Syncing Outlook Contacts



I have multiple Outlook users who I’d like to all set up with a two-way contact sync using Outlook Contacts. The issue arises when I enable the sync and the contact are all imported with no owner.


If it was a single user I would just use the Drill Down 2 property value to auto assign an owner, but to my knowledge that value would be the same regardless of which user synced a particular contact. This makes that solution not useful in this scenario as I could only assign all Outlook contacts synced this way to one user, rather than the user that synced it.


I am wondering if there is any way to differentiate which particular user(s) a contact was synced by so that I can set up workflows to assign ownership? I find it amazing that HubSpot doesn’t have the capability to do this easily by default.